Darfur Fund Launched.

31 Jul

This link thanks to my friend at Wisdom of Total Happiness.

Darfur Fund launched

Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak today launched the “Dapur” For Darfur Fund to provide aid to more than two million refugees in Darfur, Sudan.
He said the conflict in Darfur had drawn the attention and sympathy of the international community and according to the United Nations, over two million people had been driven out of their homes and almost another 200,000 killed.

“Malaysia, as a leader of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) is deeply concerned with the plight of the people of Darfur. And Prime Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi as the OIC chairman, had on April 17, visited the refugee camps there.

Seeing that I have seen very little Malaysian activity in regard to Darfur, possibly because there is the relationship they have with Sudan this is hopeful news.


2 responses to “Darfur Fund Launched.

  1. Brenden McKenzie

    August 1, 2007 at 6:50 am

    The UN and the global community seem to be stepping up there efforts, I saw it on the BBC news this morning.

  2. Zubli Zainordin

    August 1, 2007 at 10:18 am

    What we have done at this blog and else where, has miraculously send a vibration so powerful worldwide. What has happened shall never and no more left unnoticed or unrealized by citizens of the world. This is a piece by Zubli Zainordin blogging at Wisdom of Total Happiness and breathing on Malaysia soil, in support of you and your effort to see life enjoyed again at Darfur.


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